I've been working on modifying the recipe for Hibiscus Moon's "Negativity Neutralizer Spray." It isn't that her recipe is difficult or the process too time consuming. I simply wanted to add my own personal touch and amp up the energy a little bit. In fact, my first batch probably won't even be a spray at all!
It's looking like it's going to be more of an anointing "oil" meets cleanser that comes in a bottle with a dropper. This will make it perfect for putting a small amount on your crystals (those that can handle water, of course!) to soak up all the gunk they may be collecting. I've been telling you all that great things are on the way, and this is only the first of many!
Once I have the recipe perfected I'll be selling it via my Etsy shop.
Keep an eye peeled for that. Since my shop is currently on hiatus, signing up for an email alert by clicking the link above is a great way to get an email announcement to known when I'm back in business.
If you're interested in making your own Gem Elixirs (it really is easier than you think), check out this handy guide by Hibiscus Moon. The guide contains video instructions and even contains recipes, such as her "Negativity Neutralizer Spray."