Hello folks. I've been focused on other areas for while after a bit of spiritual burnout and, yes, another round of depression. I'm hoping that the return of my favorite season is enough to lift me completely out of that. So far, so good.
I'm back because I wanted to share with you an interesting oracle card and tarot reading. I've been drawing an oracle card every morning for the past week to kind of reset my spirituality. I drew the tarot on a whim and I'm so impressed with how the messages seem to intertwine (don't they always?).
First, let's start with the oracle card. I drew it first and it really set the tone for the reading. I opted to draw from the
Sacred Rebels oracle deck. It's by Alana Fairchild and the imagery is what drew me to this deck. The card I drew is:
"Defend to the End, The Worthwhile" |
This card has such a powerful message. "You are a sacred warrior -- a defender of the heart. You have cried genuine tears of your own grief, and also the grief of the world. You have raged at injustice and oppression in your own life, and in the world. You have felt the need to protect the presence of love, for whilst it is exceptionally powerful, it can too easily be smothered under lies and fear... You are being asked to stay strong and stand your ground."
First of all, look at that image. The monochromatic tone really adds dimension, and that owl, a nocturnal being of wisdom, seems to be enveloping the feminine warrior so that they are of the same mind. That's pretty powerful imagery.
Let's move on to the tarot spread. I pulled a simple past, present, future layout using Ian Daniel's
Tarot of the Vampyres. The first card that I drew is the "Strength" card.
The meaning of this card, I feel, directly ties into the meaning of the oracle card that I drew. The guidebook,
Fantasmagoria, states: "This card teaches us that we have the inner strength and power to endure and triumph. This strength is solar in nature, as the card is ruled by the Sun. It is a steady, invigorating power that is all-encompassing and exuberant in its nature." I also liked what I read in the second paragraph which made sense for me on a personal level.
"The message is that we must dedicate ourselves to our tasks with passion, creativity, and joyful energy. This may be in order to give positive energy to a situation, to help us realize our potential, or to succeed in an endeavor... It may be that we need to withdraw for the moment and re-energize our spirit."
That sounds exactly what I've been doing. Not to mention that a lot of the oracle cards that I've drawn this past week have been related to themes of taking it easy, stopping and relaxing, hibernating, and enjoying the present while you recharge.
The second card, the card that stands for what is currently happening, is "Death."
As I'm sure many of you know, this card does not represent a physical death. It is a card of transformation; it is an omen of change. "In order to grow and expand in any aspect of life, the old must die to give birth to the new. We continuously depart from particular episodes in our lives, whether from childhood, youth, relationships, images of self-identity, or old beliefs and attitudes--within these endings are new beginnings. Each moment we die in the present so the future can unfold. Nothing can be lost as it becomes part of us and is a process of evolution."
Talk about a loaded card. This card is one that should never be feared. It brings in welcome change and, truth be told, a lot of the aspects of my current life are in need of renovation. My health is poor. I'm scared to leave the house and rarely do. I've gained weight and don't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. This card, in my mind, is a catalyst that change is coming and that I am ready for it.
The third card was the "Three of Grails." This is the card that indicates the future outcome.
"In general terms the "Three of Grails" is teaching us to open fully to the bliss of life until our hearts are overflowing into the hearts of others. In our professional lives the card symbolizes teamwork, collaboration, and creative interaction or participation. On a personal level it is our inner streams propelling us to external success."
Some of the keywords for his card are: "abundance, fulfillment, gratification, celebration, good fortune, plenty, generosity, openness, spiritual gatherings, social integration, support groups, and inner growth."
In essence, the "Three of Grails" is exactly what I need in my future. This reading has been exactly what I needed in this moment. Whether it is because someone helped me pick the right cards for the situation, or because the cards are worded in a way that makes them apply to almost any situation, the outcome is the same. I have taken the messages of these cards and am beginning to integrate them into my life and spirituality.
Isn't that what change is all about?
I recently purchased these great prints of Danu and Lugh from DrawnFromMyth over on Etsy. I wanted to show them off to all of you and also give you a quick peek of my altar for this darkening season.
Be blessed, friends.