Hello everyone.
I would imagine most of you are sleeping comfortably in your beds right now, having lucid dreams where you get to stick it to your bosses and live out the fantasies that you have always wanted. It's 3:27 AM and I'm just playing with my graphics program on my laptop. My schedule is all mixed up but eventually I'll get back into the swing of things.
I've updated my banner. It is a far improvement from the simple image that was once there and I thoroughly enjoy it. The Celtic Tree of Life was great but it just seemed to be a bit much. I was needing a banner that I could use for my Etsy shop and I thought it would work great for my blog as well once I finished it up. So enjoy!
On a side note, does anyone else thoroughly dislike the United States Postal Service? Why does a package from the East Coast need to go all the way to Kansas and then back here to Missouri? What a waste of two days when I could be charging my crystals in this wonderful rain/thunderstorm we're having right now. Oh well. All good things, right?
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