I've been feeling a little blue as of late, so I decided it was time to get my spaces in order, both physically and energetically. After tossing all of my bedding into the washer with a little bit of lavender scented fabric softener, I decided to tackle the hard stuff. Vacuuming, dusting, washing the walls; you name it, I've done it. The place smelled so great but something was still missing.
That's when I knew that the energetic level was off too. The physical cleaning isn't exactly fun for me, but the energy cleaning is like I'm giving myself permission to have fun and go crazy!
I started by burning some sage (I've also used a purifying incense in place of sage in the past, but sometimes a place just needs some white sage to clear out all the energetic gunk). I've been making my own version of Hibiscus Moon's Negativity Neutralizer spray, using a couple of substitutions in place of what she uses in her own recipe, which I got from her Sparkly Space Clearing ekit. I especially like to use this on fabric (like the curtains) because it leaves a fresh scent and takes care of anything trying to latch onto the fibers. Who needs Fabreeze when ya have this stuff?!
Once the place is saged up, I open a window for a few hours to get some fresh air moving around my space. Then I break out the crystals, especially the black tourmaline, selenite, and clear quartz. You can also use amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, carnelian, etc. There are endless crystal combinations you can try. Once the crystals are out I mediate in the room! breathing in the fresh air, and say something to the effect of "my crystal's energies are amplified to give this space positive vibes and to create a sanctuary for me." It's as simple as that!
For more ideas, purchase Hibiscus Moon's ekit. It includes a video tutorial on how to make her Negativity Neutralizer spray which you'll find invaluable. I've even been thinking of turning this into a lotion I could put on my hands before ritual work. Until next time, peeps!
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