Fides quaerens intellectum

Irish Polytheism from my point of view.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Secrecy & The Craft

Secrecy is still common within Wicca. Most notably in Covens that require initiation and follow a degree system, oaths of secrecy are expected to be honored by everyone that is exposed to a group's inner workings. In fact, part of the Witch's Pyramid is "to be silent," meaning that keeping quiet about magical rites helps to ensure they come to fruition by not being diminished by other's doubts. One must wonder why in a religion like Wicca there is any public knowledge at all.

Solitaries involved in Wicca were probably not what Gerald Gardner had in mind when he and his most trusted few developed this way of life, but to me it seems a natural progression of his revealing this religion to the masses. With the introduction of solitaries it became more difficult to require pacts of secrecy because they had to know some things in order to practice this way of life effectively. By whatever means inside workings of this belief system eventually became more and more public over time, which accounts for the large increase in practitioners, as well as the hostile views from outsiders.

It is sad that not everyone is able to be open about their faith. The American Constitution proclaims that every American has the right to freely practice their religion without any interference from the Government but we all know that it is more of an ideal than an actual guideline when it comes to lawmakers that believe their religion is the only true way to salvation and eternal happiness. No wonder people hide their faith from those that would laugh and criticize others for how they view the world, let alone physically and verbally cause them harm. The fact that the Broom Closet exists is a result of the world's intolerance, plain and simple.

My point is that it makes sense for a religious practice that contains elements of secrecy to have adherents that choose not to speak openly about their faith. For whatever reason they have keeping their faith private offers them comfort in a world where their silence might also offer them protection from people that would harass and proclaim them as being tricked by evil. The Broom Closet serves a purpose. If it didn't then the term would not exist.

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