Fides quaerens intellectum

Irish Polytheism from my point of view.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Sabbats - A Reflective Episode

I've been feeling a disconnect with some of the sabbats as of late. Even if I'm not able to do a full on ritual, I still make time to pause and reflect on the wheel of the year and the changing of the seasons. I just don't feel a connection to Ostara like I do with Imbolc. I've been searching for possible reasons why, and even going so far as to theorize that everyone likely has sabbats that they don't identify with as much as the others. But my answer led me somewhere that I didn't expect: only celebrating the 4 greater sabbats.

Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh. Those are the ones I'm going to celebrate for the next year, starting after this upcoming Samhain. Then, I'll take some time to pause and reflect on the change and determine if it makes sense to continue or if I should return to the main Wiccan concept of the sabbats. And I'll also continue my personal research into what the Irish did; not to hope to copy their practices word for word, but as a starting point for my own personal practice.

I'm not a Celtic Recon but I have been reading a lot of related blog posts, websites, and book recommendation lists in order to get a general overview of the Irish way of doing things all those years ago. All my research points to the fact that they celebrated these four sabbats and not those on the quarters (Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon). Not a lot of factual information survives from those times in my opinion, but one note of interest is that the due dates on a lot of their bills has been recorded as corresponding with the dates of the greater sabbats and not the lesser ones as one might find in other cultures.

There's also the ability to correlate Irish deities that I seek to honor and revere with these specific celebrations (though to be fair, this isn't exclusive to any particular pantheon or culture).

You can honor the Morrigan at Samhain.
You can honor Brid at Imbolc.
Danu can be honored at Beltane.
Lugh, naturally, at Lughnasadh.

So I'm going to give it a try and see if my perception shifts. I'm still considering myself a Wiccan for the time being even though others might disagree with my assessment. I'd love to hear from you if you only celebrate the greater sabbats, or even the lesser ones. Everyone is welcome at my little corner of the internet.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

3-Card Guidance

I am feeling good today. Here's why:

13-God of Water: Manannan mac Llyr

"The God of Water brings with him generosity, personal commitment, loyalty, unconditional love, and divine rapport. Diving into the masculine polarity of the soul, swim willingly into the dynamic mature masculine energy within. Integrate the spiritual with the physical and mental; your shapeshifting talent is now ready to be developed."


"A time of balance and harmony is achieved after difficult times. You are at peace with yourself and others, subconsciously preparing for positive changes to come into your life."

"The seeker has come through a time of inner or outer crisis and is facing the rewards of positive action and reaction. If you are still in the backwards of a trial, persevere - for you will triumph in the end. Your goals and dreams will soon be achieved."

Man, I am feeling blessed today. Talk about a perfect message at a perfect time. Coincidently, I have been seeing Manannan's name a lot recently. I wonder if that is by design or by coincidence?

Note: Quoted sections come from the accompanying book of the Shapeshifter Tarot. Some words have been removed in relation to other prophecies that don't apply to my situation. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Daily Devotionals - What I've Learned So Far

I have always talked to deity, but rarely did I make a daily rite out of it. In fact, think of my speaking to deity as being almost identical to a Christian praying because, truth be told, it is. It has been effective enough but lately I've been longing for more. 

For about a week now I have been doing a morning and evening devotional, communing with Lugh and Danu for a few minutes each time. The experience isn't magical all on its own though - personal transformation comes with setting aside a specific (or even general if that is what you can muster right now) time to commune with God and Goddess.

Then you have to do it. Every day.

That has been the most difficult part for me, especially since I wake up and go to sleep at sporadic times. I've actually reminded myself by looking at my altar which stirs the memory from somewhere inside my likely cobwebbed brain. In those instances I force myself to do it right then, pausing the rest of my life for a moment or two. It's no different from what we do when we cast a circle and separate ourselves from the mundane hustle and bustle.

Devotionals are meant to help you connect to deity and I have experienced that connection becoming stronger. I read recently that Danu isn't an overpowering Goddess when she forms a connection with someone and I can attest to that. She is laid back and serene, communing with me in the time and place I set aside. Lugh is similar, though his energy is more prevalently felt throughout the day after the Devotionals are performed. Don't get me wrong, Danu is with me too, but she takes a different approach to my patron deity.

Establishing a daily devotional is simple, it's sticking to it that is the most difficult. But the rewards from connecting to God and Goddess more than make up for waking up ten minutes early before work, or putting off that DVR'd television show. As with most things in Wicca, it is what you make it.

Monday, October 20, 2014

"What is Wicca?"

I just stumbled upon Lunar Wisdom's video and I felt the need to share it.

She is so eloquent in this video and speaks directly to a series of confusions I had about my own path a few years ago (and similar to more recent ones thay I have already posted about). I think every newbie should watch this video, and seasoned practitioners should do the same thing. Everyone can gain something from this video.

When Crystals Make Contact

I admit that I wasn't convinced that every crystal had their own spirit. It seemed like a bunch of new age malarkey, something people told each other to make the crystal they're holding seem more important than it is. Now I openly reveal the part where I'm not so sure what to believe.

I've been able to sense the energy of crystals for years. In fact, it came so easy to me that I didn't even realize I was doing it until a few years ago. But I've never had a crystal show me images or communicate with me in any way, let alone give me an experience of something similar to awareness. Until now, that is.

The best way I can begin is to say that my yellow calcite has been calling to me. I would find myself thinking about it at odd times even when I wasn't in the room with it. I'm talking in the middle of a television show or while grocery shopping - tasks having nothing at all to do with crystals. The culmination came tonight, when I woke up in the middle of my sleep and immediately thought about it.

To be truthful, I thought I was imagining most of the situation in the beginning. I thought I had read something about yellow calcite somewhere and it had stuck with me. I can now proclaim that neither of those instances are true. My yellow calcite has been calling to me and I finally answered. I just gave into that feeling and held onto it in each of my hands for about five minutes to prove the experience was real to myself.

The energy was unbelievable. While I didn't receive any auditory or visual images, the experience was still a profound one for me. I sensed something there for the first time. Call it self-awareness, an energetic presence, or even a spirit if you wish. I just know that my yellow calcite has been wanting to work with me and now is the time for me to allow that to happen.

Do you feel crystal spirits? Have you ever had a similar experience? Comment below and share your story.

To learn more about yellow calcite:

Friday, October 17, 2014

Quickie - Nature Walk (+ Show and Tell)

Hey guys.

I posted a quick video on YouTube to show you all a cool tree in my neck of the woods. Take a peek if you have a couple of minutes.

Check it out.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cleansing and Charging - Crystal Power!

Just a little cleanse and energy shift of my altar pentacle. I have black tourmaline tumbles aligned to each of the points with amethyst tumbles nestled between them. In the center is a clear quartz point sitting on top of the pendants that Pentacles of Pride sent to me.

This came about from using the amethyst and black tourmaline to cleanse and charge my tarot and oracle decks a couple of days ago. They never left my altar and now I know why. I set this up after my morning devotional on intuition and I can sense a difference of the energy already.

Do you do anything like this in your regular practice? Leave a comment and let me know.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Simple Rituals Are Just As Powerful

I took fifteen minutes out of my morning routine to burn my incense mixtures in honor of Danu and Lugh. Some might say that is an impossible amount of time for in the morning; others would be able to fit it in with no problem. Certainly the rising sun is a good time to honor Lugh, the Irish God of Light, but if you only had time at night available you would find that deity wouldn't look down upon you for it.

It was a simple ceremony where I burned the incense as an offering to them, as a way to honor all they are and all they have done for me. It was a way for me to commune with them aside from the morning and evening devotionals I have been doing for the past week.

I can't say that life is that much different; I don't have ravens greeting me at my windowsill every morning and there aren't any seagulls pecking at my front door asking for admittance. But I can tell you I feel more connected, and that is what all of this is about after all. The personal experience, the connection with something more than ourselves.

At least that's how I see it. So I encourage you to do something similar - any incense will do for any deity; it's the thought that counts.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Incense to Honor Lugh

I finally got around to creating an incense to honor Lugh, much in the same vein as I did with the incense to honor Danu. I researched a lot of correspondences for him everywhere I could find and even tracked down a couple of incense recipes others had created. When it came down to it, I used my intuition to pick certain herbs for the mixture, as well as deciding on the amounts of each to be used.

Tonight I am planning on an impromptu honoring ceremony for the both of them and hope to burn their incense. If I have their permission I will snap a couple of pictures to share.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - H is for Happiness Correspondences

We're back at it, ladies and gents.

Yesterday I told you about my favorite happiness incense but I neglected to tell you that I scoured every book and website I could find on herb correspondences to put it all together. It was an experiment from the beginning and I got lucky putting one together that smelled so good on the first try. 

Today I'm going back to the correspondences for Happiness. We all want to be happy and there are times we all need a little extra oomph to get us there. Use these correspondences for what you will. My suggestion is to jot them down and save them for a day when you may need them but don't have the energy to go scouring the Internet like I did.

Rose Quartz

Black Tourmaline - works to eat away at whatever is keeping you down so that the other crystals, herbs, etc. can do their thing.


Yellow - works for clothes, candles, and even paint for the house

Your favorite meal

Anything that brings you joy. Take ten minutes to yourself each day and do something that you find fun.

That's all I have for you. Is there anything you think I should add? Leave me a comment and let me know.


I was thrown for a loop during my daily tarot and oracle card reading (I alternate between decks to get a well-rounded message) this morning and I wanted to share it with all of you. I drew the "9-Darkness" card from DJ Conway, Sirona Knight, and Lisa Hunt's Shapeshifter Tarot.

The meaning: "The seeker is going through or will face a time of great loss, suffering, and misery. Burdens -- self-imposed or actual -- will be heavy during this phase thus creating mental and emotional anguish."

Yuck. Just what I need to deal with. 
Despite the message, and the gravity of what it means, I'm trying to look at it as a positive because we all grow from the most troubling times we face. I know I have before and this time will be no different. I was hoping for an optimistic "you're at your creative apex and everything is right with your world. Celebrate." I guess it just wasn't in the cards.

See what I did there? Until next time, folks.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - H is for Happiness

Wikipedia defined "happiness" as:

Merriam-Webster describes "happy" as:

Now that definitions are out of the way, I can tell you about happiness. If you've read my previous blog posts you'll know that I disclosed my battles with major depression and anxiety. Happiness for someone with my health history is different than it is for a person with a steady job, a healthy family, and an upcoming vacation. It's also important to point out that happiness is relative - what I feel is happiness might be closer to your definition of giddy. 

Why am I going into all this, you ask? Why am I not talking about Paganism or spirituality? I'll get there in a moment. Before I reveal some of the things I use to combat my unhappiness, I wanted to clarify what happiness is and that each of us will find ourselves there at different times through different circumstances. Some of the following may not work for you and that's fine because we're all different people. 

I'm also splitting this up into two posts because, quite honestly, I can't figure out anything else I want to write about for part two. Lucky you, huh? Yes, you are lucky (thinking it doesn't make it untrue...).

The best way I have found to ease the symptoms of my depression, aside from prescription medications and excellent medical providers, is my patented (it's not really patented) Happiness Incense. It's a mixture of herbs with a lot of intent behind it - intent focused on breaking through the negative thoughts and gunk to bring light through, like a lighthouse breaking through the fog. It's best burned as loose incense on a charcoal or bamboo disc but you're welcome to turn it into pellets or cones. You also have my permission (as if you need it) to modify the recipe for substitutions or herbs you think might work better. 

The Recipe:
2 parts lavender
1 part marjoram
1 part catnip

Grind ingredients together in a mortar and pestle and then burn as previously described. The floral aroma from the lavender quickly makes me feel uplifted, and the sweetness of the catnip and marjoram add to the experience. It won't pull me out of a depressive episode but it will help me get some relief from the blues caused by self-doubt and snide comments. Give it a try.


Disclaimer: Do not ingest any herbs without first speaking to a medical professional. The advice I give is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The incense recipe in this post is meant to be a supplement only and may or may not be merely for entertainment purposes, despite my claims otherwise. 

Danu Journaling Questions

I've been thinking about Danu for years, but even more so that I crafted an incense mix to honor her. I finally feel a connection forming on the other end of the line which is exciting. Since so little is known about her, I've been looking into what information I am able to find. All of it seems to conflict with one thing and the next, so I settled in on some questions to journal about to get some clarity.

I'd like to share them with you in case you're interested.

1. Are Danu and Don so similar that they are different names for the same deity?

2. Is Anu a guise of Danu or part of The Morrigan trinity?

3. Is Danu a guise of the Morrigan?

4. Is Danu a primordial/source deity with male and female aspects? Can you worship just one or must you worship both?

You don't have to answer these questions, of course, but I would be curious if you have input to share. Blessings to you and yours!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

An Unexpected Surprise

I wanted the Shapeshifter Tarot deck ever since it came out all those years ago. I was a teenager and not working, and my parents weren't exactly supportive of my studying Wicca. I gave them a Christmas list one year with a couple of Scott Cunningham books, a list of candles in assorted colors, a few ritual tools, and a meditation CD I was interested in. I was told in not so many words that there was no chance of me getting any of those items, and yet they didn't specifically tell me I had to give up my studies for fear I would rebel and grow my hair long.

Finally getting my hands on them a few years ago was like a dream come true. I instantly was amazed by the accuracy of the deck, and the images tie perfectly into Celtic Shapeshifting and the meanings of the cards; I was hooked. It never occurred to me to look to the cards for answers to the path I was going to take (Celtic Wicca). I had the cards for some time and I knew that there were cards representing different Celtic deities, but it never occurred to me to pull out the cards for Lugh and Danu and take a look. At least, not until now.

Danu is presented as The Goddess of Earth, though I think that association is more correct in reference to Anu. Some would say that they are one and the same but I would question that, though I admit that I still have a long way to go in terms of research and correlating the mythologies of all the different Celtic peoples (mostly the Irish and Welsh). 

Think of this card as the King of Pentacles as that is what the card would be in the standard tarot deck system. The keywords are "fruitfulness, networking, relationships, and family history." 

Lugh is presented as The God of Fire. Another possible inconsistency arises here since most of my research points to him being a skilled warrior and magician, as well as a God of Light and of Harvest. 

In a typical deck, this card would be the Queen of Swords. Keywords include "power, authority, and wise counsel."

The confusion seems to occur when different but similar cultural mythologies are smashed together, especially uniting the stories of the Irish and Welsh. It then becomes incredibly challenging to differentiate between the two, especially after some time has past. We all do the best we can and I don't doubt that for some Lugh would resonate more with them as a Sun God than a Light God. Is it semantics between the two or are there profound differences? I see similarities, of course.

Although I was leading you in a round-about way, the point of this post is to remind you to look for imagery wherever you can find it. I am blessed to have a statue to represent both Lugh and Danu, but these cards could serve equally in the same capacity. 

Other deities and heroes/heroines included in this deck: Cliodna, Taliesin, Gwydion, Arianrhod, Angus Mac Og, Belenus, Bridget, Nimue, Cerridwen, Manannan mac Llyr, Branwen, Tarvos, Medb, and Cernunnos.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - G is for Gratitude Correspondences

Sometimes rituals become monotonous. Those of us that cast cicles tend to do the same steps in exactly the same way over and over again because of the familiarity and the fact that we know it works for us. That's great, but we lose a little creativity when we just recite on repeat without changing things up every so often. The exact same thing can be said for spells - modifying even a few of the words of pre-made spells makes them personal for us and helps us jumpstart their energy when they are released into the universe.

That creativity comes natually for some but for others it requires work, like jumping into a swimming pool and trying to swim to the bottom to catch the gold coin that deity has tossed in for you to find - it's up to you to reach for it and take it.

I'm about to list some correspondences for gratitude, but I feel it is important to point out that anything can be made a reflection of the gratitude you feel by the focus of your intent - if you want it to be, it will be.

-The smoke of incense, especially an incense you created
-The 3 of Cups tarot card
-Green Apatite
-A $1 bill in any currency
-Coins in any currency
-A flower picked from nature

The possibilities are endless. I hope this list and the small rite from yesterday help you to express your gratitude to deity. Go ahead and experiment with changing my words if you'd like to do something a bit different and add an extra personal touch.


Evaluating This Path - An Introspective Post

Sometimes I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I know how to cast a circle and call the quarters, can recite the uses of lavender and citrine, and can whip up a crystal grid or a sachet in no time flat. But there's always that lingering doubt at the back of my mind jumping up and down and flashing like a neon sign just screaming "notice me right now -something's not right!"

There are days where I go back, forth, and sideways on what to call myself. Am I Wiccan? Am I a Witch? Can I call myself an Irish Wiccan without the ancestry or living in Ireland? All of these questions typically result in one thing: confusion.

I've been learning about Wicca and Paganism since the age of 13 so I can pretty clearly distinguish the two from one another. I've read over and over again in those 101 books how to tell people that a "Wiccan is a Witch but a Witch is not always Wiccan." That's all fine and dandy, but what of those practitioners that choose not to do any spellcraft at all?

Spirituality is a path of never-ending questions, some of them new and some of them repeating, designed to remind us why we're on this path and whether it might be time to take the fork coming up ahead.

In the past I have identified as Wiccan, Pagan, and Celtic Wiccan. I'm not into reconstructing what the ancients did to every finite detail, but I do have an interest in the historical aspects and like to read as much information as I can get my hands on. That being said, I sometimes wonder if I should classify myself as Wiccan. That threefold "law" seems like a bunch of hogwash to my sensibilities, and spelling "magic" with an additional "k" makes my spelling instinct run amok (as well as spellcheck). I always seem to come back around to "yes, I'm Wiccan," and this time is no different. I am most certainly a Wiccan, and by definition a Pagan. Yet calling myself a Celtic Pagan seems a decrease of all that this path has become for me.

The only thing to do when confronted with these questions is to do your best to answer them. Journal about them. Write a list of favorable and opposing points to clarify your current position. Most importantly of all, know that it is okay to change your mind.

I am a Celtic Wiccan, and a Celtic Pagan. What are you?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - G is for Gratitude

I know that a lot of other people have picked this topic for this letter, so I've decided to do this post a little bit differently. Rather than rehash information that you already know, or information that someone else has already mentioned, I'm going to give you a simple rite that you can perform. It needed take any longer than five minutes, but it is a great way to both start and end the day if you've been working on adding a daily devotional to your practice.

What you will need:
     -A quiet space (inside or outside)
     -Something that symbolizes abundance to you (3 of Cups tarot card, green aventurine, etc.)
     -Incense in whatever scent you choose, in whichever form (stick, cone, loose, etc.)

Sit comfortably and hold the item that symbolizes abundance in your hands. Look at it; feel the physicality of the representation as though the item you hold is abundance personified. Think about the blessings you have received over your life, of the last few weeks, and even over the last few days. 

Place the item down where you can still look at it and light the incense.
As the smoke rises, begin saying these words (or something similar):

"The smoke before me represents my gratitude,
rising up to embrace The Goddess and The God.
I offer this gift as thanks for the blessings I have and continue to receive.
I am in awe of the ever-flowing abundance that carries me towards my goals and dreams;
closer to the person I strive to be.
I actively participate in my life and know that I will be blessed for the rest of my days."

Allow the incense to finish burning if you have time. Feel the gratitude you wish to express and visualize the smoke carrying it up to deity. When you are finished, simply go about your normal routine. Note: Do not leave incense unattended when burning.


There's a growing trend happening out there in the great big world and I think it's time we have a discussion about it. There are far too many of us to reach an actual consensus but hey, a guy can dream. You can tell by the title that I'm referring to the term "neo-Wicca."

The idea behind the term is that Gardner's version of Wicca has been so changed by all of us uninitiated eclectic solitaries that the Wicca we practice isn't worthy of the same name. Let's stop here for a moment while I admit that I partially understand where those in favor of the term are coming from. The Wicca that they practice is different than what some of us practice, oftentimes with good reason.

We live in a time where 95% of the Wicca 101 books preach that you can do whatever you want to do so long as you follow the sacred Rule of Three, and I can't fault anyone for drawing comparisons to the titles they earned through a coven hierarchy while the rest of us self-dedicated after reading a few books from Llewellyn. Okay, most of us don't just read Llewellyn books, and even if we did that wouldn't be the end of the world.

I think I just have a problem with seperating the name of Wicca into two categories. I know it's a fact of life but I often hate the "us vs. them" categorizations that tend to come about. It's like one side saying that the other isn't worthy simply because the side deems the others to be unfit - which is probably NOT the case in this scenario. New practitioners tend to have no set structure and have moved away from Gardner's ideals of what Wicca should be. The religion has become an amalgamation of other belief systems and religious practices, all tossed into the cauldron and at the ready for people to pick and choose them as they seem necessary.

Is that such a bad thing? I'm not sure, but I suspect that those in initiatory traditions might have something to say about it. Let me be clear: I'm not criticizing those people that join a coven and put forth hard work to gain status in a degree system. I just feel that not everyone should be expected to do the same things that Gardner did just for the simple reason that he did them. That, for me, makes no sense.

What are your thoughts on Neo-Wicca? I hope this post will begin to facilitate discussion so that we can attempt to come up with a consensus (yeah, I get I'm dreaming big here) and put this to rest.

Pagan Blog Project Update

I'm so far behind with the Pagan Blog Project. It is now October and the last month I participated was March! There's no reason to fret though, I'm getting ready to resume the posts. Better late than never, right?

The first post for "g" will go up today and the second one will be up by tomorrow evening.
Thanks for your patience!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Chakra Balancing

I knew it had been a while since I last worked on getting my chakras into alignment, but it turned out to have been even longer than I originally thought - almost an entire year! I began feeling like I needed a tune-up so I decided it was finally time (well, yeah...) to do something. I took the opportunity to do a layout on myself using these crystals.

red jasper, carnelian, citrine, green aventurine, blue lace agate, amethyst, and clear quartz.

I have found these seven crystals to be the best when working on my chakras, probably because they'll all members of the quartz family and tend to resonate and work well with one another. I can only speak from my own personal experiences, of course.

There are many crystal associations with each of the chakras, but my suggestion is to focus on color more than any of the other aspects of the crystal's energy. The frequency on the color spectrum will help your chakras reset and get back to working for you in no time. I spent all of ten minutes doing this process and I felt rejouvenated and calm for the remainder of the day.

I suggest you give it a try if you're feeling fatigued, anxious, agitated, or just because it's something new to try. And most importantly, let me know how it works for you.

If you're a little rusty on chakras or just want a refresher course, head on over to this link to get some information from Bernard Charles. He's one of my favorite people working with color - in fact, the best I've come across thus far in my journey.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Free Online Tarot Course

Great news. I stumbled upon Joan Bunning's online Learning the Tarot course. It is a free guide to learning this method of divination and it looks to be useful from the multiple pages I skimmed through. If you're like me and you need a little help learning the tarot, check out the website.

Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Will Learn Tarot. I Will Learn Tarot. I Will...

Guys, I don't know what my hang up is over these cards, but something is keeping me from seeing what is there. I mean yes, I see the images there, but I can't cut out that feeling in my gut that what I'm seeing isn't right.

I don't know if this is my intuition trying to tell me to look past what I see on the card, my anxiety monster telling me I'm going to be wrong all the time, or whatever else it could be.


So here's why I ask ya'll for help. What tips do you have for a person learning the tarot? What helped you and what didn't? Are journals really worth the effort or is it better to just study the book that came with the deck? Any advice will be tremendously appreciated.

Honoring Danu - Incense Mixture

Here is the embedded video as promised. I hope you enjoy it!
Please be sure to like and subscribe. I don't make videos frequently, but I plan on making at least a handful or more over the next 30 days.


Danu Incense - Check

That's right, folks.
After a lot of research, I finally found an incense recipe to honor Danu. It just clicked with me and felt right. Surprisingly, even substituting a few ingredients didn't make that feeling of "this is right" go away.

And there's a surprise for all of you as well. I recorded the process and am on the verge on starting the editing. It should go live in a day or two and will be posted to my YouTube account, as well as my  Facebook page.