Sometimes I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I know how to cast a circle and call the quarters, can recite the uses of lavender and citrine, and can whip up a crystal grid or a sachet in no time flat. But there's always that lingering doubt at the back of my mind jumping up and down and flashing like a neon sign just screaming "notice me right now -something's not right!"
There are days where I go back, forth, and sideways on what to call myself. Am I Wiccan? Am I a Witch? Can I call myself an Irish Wiccan without the ancestry or living in Ireland? All of these questions typically result in one thing: confusion.
I've been learning about Wicca and Paganism since the age of 13 so I can pretty clearly distinguish the two from one another. I've read over and over again in those 101 books how to tell people that a "Wiccan is a Witch but a Witch is not always Wiccan." That's all fine and dandy, but what of those practitioners that choose not to do any spellcraft at all?
Spirituality is a path of never-ending questions, some of them new and some of them repeating, designed to remind us why we're on this path and whether it might be time to take the fork coming up ahead.
In the past I have identified as Wiccan, Pagan, and Celtic Wiccan. I'm not into reconstructing what the ancients did to every finite detail, but I do have an interest in the historical aspects and like to read as much information as I can get my hands on. That being said, I sometimes wonder if I should classify myself as Wiccan. That threefold "law" seems like a bunch of hogwash to my sensibilities, and spelling "magic" with an additional "k" makes my spelling instinct run amok (as well as spellcheck). I always seem to come back around to "yes, I'm Wiccan," and this time is no different. I am most certainly a Wiccan, and by definition a Pagan. Yet calling myself a Celtic Pagan seems a decrease of all that this path has become for me.
The only thing to do when confronted with these questions is to do your best to answer them. Journal about them. Write a list of favorable and opposing points to clarify your current position. Most importantly of all, know that it is okay to change your mind.
I am a Celtic Wiccan, and a Celtic Pagan. What are you?
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