Fides quaerens intellectum

Irish Polytheism from my point of view.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Danu Journaling Questions

I've been thinking about Danu for years, but even more so that I crafted an incense mix to honor her. I finally feel a connection forming on the other end of the line which is exciting. Since so little is known about her, I've been looking into what information I am able to find. All of it seems to conflict with one thing and the next, so I settled in on some questions to journal about to get some clarity.

I'd like to share them with you in case you're interested.

1. Are Danu and Don so similar that they are different names for the same deity?

2. Is Anu a guise of Danu or part of The Morrigan trinity?

3. Is Danu a guise of the Morrigan?

4. Is Danu a primordial/source deity with male and female aspects? Can you worship just one or must you worship both?

You don't have to answer these questions, of course, but I would be curious if you have input to share. Blessings to you and yours!

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