Fides quaerens intellectum

Irish Polytheism from my point of view.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - Bucky's Big Blue Book

It is fondly remembered by many and has multiple names. Almost every Wiccan on YouTube has reviewed it. There are just as many blog posts about it. It has been revised and updated multiple times. Yes, I'm talking about "Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft."

Published by Llewellyn Publications, Buckland's tome of useful information first reached the public in 1986. It is touted as being able to take a beginner to a third-degree Gardnerian through its exercises and workbook-like structure. It quite possibly has nearly everything anyone would need to study The Craft, beginner or adept alike. It contains the usual gems: sabbat and esbat rites, herbalism information, and even information on ritual construction. Quite amazingly, it also has a chapter on practicing as a solitary which would seem counter-productive to the Gardnerian's previous initiation-only lineage.

I have to be honest and share my one complaint. It is often said that at times the book comes across as too dry and without emotion. I agree with that. However, as a whole, the benefits of this book far outweigh the random difficulties. It is a book that is meant to accompany a witch on their path. Its place isn't on a bookshelf collecting dust; its place is nestled next to the practitioner's Book of Shadows. It is available on and other retailers, as well as libraries (as my mother would unhappily attest to).

Interested in another opinion on the same topic? A fellow PBP participant (Kelly at Pagan(isms) shares her views on this book. Go here.

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