Fides quaerens intellectum

Irish Polytheism from my point of view.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pagan Blog Project - G is for Gratitude Correspondences

Sometimes rituals become monotonous. Those of us that cast cicles tend to do the same steps in exactly the same way over and over again because of the familiarity and the fact that we know it works for us. That's great, but we lose a little creativity when we just recite on repeat without changing things up every so often. The exact same thing can be said for spells - modifying even a few of the words of pre-made spells makes them personal for us and helps us jumpstart their energy when they are released into the universe.

That creativity comes natually for some but for others it requires work, like jumping into a swimming pool and trying to swim to the bottom to catch the gold coin that deity has tossed in for you to find - it's up to you to reach for it and take it.

I'm about to list some correspondences for gratitude, but I feel it is important to point out that anything can be made a reflection of the gratitude you feel by the focus of your intent - if you want it to be, it will be.

-The smoke of incense, especially an incense you created
-The 3 of Cups tarot card
-Green Apatite
-A $1 bill in any currency
-Coins in any currency
-A flower picked from nature

The possibilities are endless. I hope this list and the small rite from yesterday help you to express your gratitude to deity. Go ahead and experiment with changing my words if you'd like to do something a bit different and add an extra personal touch.


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